Hello, everyone I am Chifumi Maeda, a Japanese female president living in Bangkok.
Thank you, guys, for visiting this
“True comments from Japanese female presidents living in Thailand” blog
Today’s topic is massage.
But it’s not just a massage, but a home-delivered massage.
Experience Thailand’s Best: Why You Must Try a Home-Delivered Massage
It goes without saying that, when you talk about Thailand,
the first thing that comes across your mind is a “Massage”!
There is hundreds of massage parlor in town
and you can visit them anytime you like to get a good one.
That’s Bangkok.
There aren’t many massage parlors in Japan
and if you were lucky enough to find one there,
you better make sure that you have enough in your purse.
But in Thailand, there are millions, if not zillion,
of them and they are relatively cheap for us to visit them without feeling guilty.
However, there is some catches …
Air-condition could be set at very cold. Too cold.
Your favorite therapist isn’t available most of the time
when you want to get a good massage…
You are too lazy to come there …
(don’t know about you but I am …)
There may be so many reasons sometimes, that stop you from visiting a parlor.
And to my surprise, the people living in Thailand
don’t get massage that often as I would have thought.
What a shame.
You are living in Thailand but you are not doing Thailand.
At this moment, when I am writing this article,
the massage parlors are closed thanks to the Corona virus.
But your body doesn’t care about the pandemic situation.
It gives you pains all over you and you know you need a ….
So, I searched all over the internet to see
if there is any massage therapist that might come to save me.

I would like to introduce “OR’EASE” to you,
the service that I am using once to twice a week.
OR’EASE – Redefining Convenience with Home-Delivery Massage Services
You can book on their Home Page or on LINE app. but I find app is the most convenient one.
I use iPhone therefore I’ve downloaded the app on the app store.

Just download the app to your device, input your address, name, phone number
and other required info and voila! You are set to go.
OR’EASE Home-Delivery Massage Service: Comprehensive Price Guide
Thai Massage (1 course 90 minutes) 800 baht.
Aroma Massage (1 course 90 minutes) 900 baht.
You can pay with your Credit Card or bank transfer.
Preparing for Your OR’EASE Home-Delivery Massage: What You Need
The massage therapist will bring massaging mattress and towels
and if you booked for an Aroma Massage, the oil also comes with the therapist.
But at our home, we wanted to use our favorite equipment,
so the massage mattress that my hubby uses and the bed
for my aroma massage are bought by ourselves.
The bed for Thai massage is a Memory foam mattress bought at KENKO SHOP.
I use Cypress pillow with the mattress bought at the KENKO SHOP when I go to bed.

I use Panpuri and Satira for my oil.
I choose my oil depending on my body condition or how I feel on the day.

My hubby says,

And, we are in our pajamas as we are I our home.
All the massage therapists are highly qualified and have good manners
which we like it very much.
(you can experience some disappointments when you visit some massage parlors)
My favorite time for massage is after a good dip in the bathtub after dinner.
It several times came across my mind that,

The effect of massage is that it improves your blood flow by loosening the muscles by rubbing
but I think there is also do good to our mental health.
My readers, I believe, are living here in Thailand.
So why not include massage into your living routine?
You will not regret.
I hope this topic was informative to you.
Thank you very much for your visit.
My Favorite Products for OR’EASE Home-Delivery Massage: A Personal Review
Discovering OR’EASE: A Closer Look at their Home-Delivery Massage Service
Home Page: https://www.orease.com/
*The Massage Therapist who had their vaccination shows “Vaccinated” so you need not to worry.
Information on KENKO Shop
I bought mattress for my Thai Massage.
I’ve bought mattress and pillow for my bed.
Information on Panpuri
Spa brand that represents Thailand.
With natural and flowery aroma.
Information on Satira
Famous Natural Cosmetics born in Thailand.
The oil has thick texture but gets easily on to the skin.
I am also using the toner from the brand.
When type in the following code, you can get 100 THB discount.
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