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Detailed Review and Experience: Best Chinese Medicine at Huachiew TCM Clinic, Thailand

Hello, everyone I am Chifumi Maeda, a Japanese female president living in Bangkok.

Thank you, guys, for visiting this

“True comments from Japanese female presidents living in Thailand” blog.


Huachiew TCM Clinic (华侨中医院): A Leading Chinese Medicine Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand

Let me today introduce you “Huachiew TCM Clinic”,

a hospital specialized in Chinese Medicine.

By the way, “TCM” stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Huachiew TCM Clinic has hospital not only in Bangkok

but has its branch hospital in Sriracha (Chonburi Province)

and in Korat (Nakornrachasima Province).

The hospital has doctors who are specialized in Traditional Chinese Medicine

and have studied in universities in Thailand or in China.

There are several specialized areas as in following.

There are,

Internal Medicine Department

Chinese medicine Department

Acupuncture and moxibustion Departs

Shiatsu (acupressure) Department

My Personal Journey: Why I Chose to Visit a Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Thailand

It was in late May, I had a light dizziness from the morning.

This dizziness was not the first time but also in last December (Dec. 2020),

I woke up from a terrible dizziness which prevented me from doing anything for the next 3 days.

It was during the consecutive holidays (series of holidays)

but I was not able to do anything due to my dizziness

and decided to visit BNH Hospital which is in our neighborhood.

BNH Hospital prescribed me Vertigo medicine which helped me recover in 2 days.

But the dizziness came back in February and had again to visit the hospital.

And this time is the 3rd time that I am experiencing this dizziness again.

I felt a very light dizziness from the morning but it was not as serious as that

I cannot live rest of the day normal.

But it happened in the weekend when I was having my massage.

It was so really terrible dizziness that I saw ceiling going round and round and round.

And after that, I vomited and wasn’t able to walk,

not even a step, and had to stay lying down.

This time, I visited Bamrungrad Hospital.

I was diagnosed with stress and lack of good sleep

and was prescribed with very strong sleeping pills

and medicine to stop my dizziness but they didn’t help much, if not at all.

It was high time that I thought that I want to have a treatment not by coping with the situation

just for time being as the western remedies

but to have a treatment that will fix the root cause and improve my constitution.

(I am not denying western remedy at all)

Why Huachiew TCM Clinic was my Top Choice for Chinese Medicine Treatment

Thailand has many people who have their roots in China

and that’s why there are so many Traditional Chinese Medicine clinics are here.

And in Thailand, they accept Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors as qualified doctors.

Before I knock the door in Huachiew TCM Clinic,

I used to visit small Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic twice in the past.

I’ve visited the small clinic then because I had this sudden itchiness on my skin.

The skin itchiness had disappeared after 2 visits to the clinic and 2 weeks of Chinese medicine.

There are two types in Chinese medicine.

One type is such one as a supplement and the other is by boiling the herbs.

But small clinics mostly have only 1 or 2 doctor(s) meaning that

it is not every day that the doctor is there.

Therefore very difficult to make an appointment thus

I wanted to find one easier to make an appointment with.

And there I found this Huachiew TCM Clinic.

And the main reasons why I decide to visit this clinic was because,

they had doctors specialized in specific areas

and were many of such doctors working there to help people.

Huachiew TCM Clinic
hospital accounting and medical prescription counter

Understanding the Unique Diagnosis Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Huachiew TCM Clinic

Diagnosis method of the doctor is as the following

Patients explain to the doctor on his/her symptom.

Doctor measure his/her pulse by the wrist.

Check the tongue.

Pulse is measured also in the normal hospital but here it is done manually by the doctor.

The doctor, so I was told, is also checking the patient’s pulse speed and the hardness of the blood vessel.

The color, shape, and thickness for the tongue.

My tongue, doctor told me,

is having teeth mark and is bumpy on the side suggesting that

I have a swollen body and have weak gastrointestinal system.

The doctor is consulting the patient’s “constitution” from various angle.

By understanding the patient’s constitution,

the doctor prepares treatment plan according to the patient’s such.

They say the treatment does not have an immediate effect

but it will slowly and surely improve the symptoms

and also at the same time allow maintaining healthy condition.

I had Acupuncture doctor and internist (prescribes Traditional Chinese Medicine) diagnosed me.

Acupuncture sticks needle along the meridians

where you want the symptom to be improved.

Huachiew TCM Clinic

Meridian, in Traditional Chinese Medicine,

is said to be the route where the energy, blood, and nutrients that flows in our body.

You may have seen this kind of photo or illustration before.

Top Reasons to Consider Huachiew TCM Clinic for your Chinese Medicine Needs

It is specialized Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic that prescribes the medicine, gives acupuncture and shiatsu acupressure.

More than 20 doctors are always there to help you.

Very few holidays in a year and is basically open every day for treatment.

There are both Chinese and Thai doctors and the Thai doctors are able to speak and understand Thai, English, and Chinese.

The treatment is conscientious and the fee is crystal clear.

Huachiew TCM Clinic
This is the fee for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. The price depends on the number of the needles you get but it is about 600THB

The clinic staffs are very friendly and polite.

But more than that, the friendly fee is one of the greatest point.

Huachiew TCM Clinic
Chinese medicine prescribed to me.

The prescribed medicine can either be boiled by ourselves or ask the clinic to do that for you.

Huachiew TCM Clinic
medicines are coming in such package when you ask the clinic to boil them.

It takes about 3 hours to boil the medicine

therefore it may be a bit difficult to do that at home.

I’ve asked the clinic to do that for me.

They deliver the boiled medicine to your place.

The delivery fee differs depending on the distance from the clinic.

In my case I paid 130THB.

Huachiew TCM Clinic
Fee for the medicine. I asked the clinic to boil them for me. Takes about 3 hours

Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment does not have immediate effect

but it is ideal for improving your body constitution

and long term treatment as well as prevention.

Huachiew TCM Clinic
The clinic

Essential Information and Details About Huachiew TCM Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand

Homepage : www.huachiewtcm.com

I recommend you to write down your symptoms and concerns on a paper in English
when you are visiting the clinic for treatment.

You must make an appointment the day before you are planning to visit the clinic.
Making appointment via their homepage is the convenient way.

And in my case, I’ve visited the clinic for my “dizziness” treatment
but it seems that there are quite number of people visiting the clinic for their skin brightening and dieting.

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